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Uveitis - Diagnosis & Treatment

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In Uveitis, the middle layer of the eye (uvea) becomes inflamed. The inflammation is caused due to an infection This is a serious condition, if not treated it may lead to blindness. It is the most common type of eye infection.

There are certain risk factors for uveitis such as infections like tuberculosis, herpes zoster, syphilis; medication side effects; eye injury.

Symptoms aggravate very quickly from the time they first become noticeable, which makes the treatment and management very complicated.

Uveitis may be caused by injury, infection, or an autoimmune disease.

Symptoms of uveitis include:

  • Redness of the eye
  • Pain in the eye
  • Blurred vision

Uveitis goes away quickly sometimes but can come back. And at times it may become a chronic condition, either way, it is important to see your doctor quickly.

Tour doctor may prescribe:

  • Steroid medicines
  • Eye drops
  • Immunosuppressants
  • Surgery

Uveitis can develop in one or both eyes, it affects the retina, uvea, and sclera.

An estimated 30,000 cases of uveitis are seen every year in India. It affects people of all ages, even children.

Types of Uveitis:

  • Anterior: This is the most common type of uveitis. The inflammation is caused in the front portion of the eye. Symptoms may develop suddenly and resolve quickly with medication but may reappear in cases of chronic uveitis. Arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders, and infections with herpes or chickenpox are some associated risk factors.
  • Intermediate: Inflammation is caused in the middle eye. Commonly seen in young adults. It often affects the vitreous fluid in the eye.
  • Posterior: Affects the inner part of the eye. It is the least common type. It affects the retina, optic nerve, and choroid. It causes recurrent symptoms which last for years. Possible risk factors include lupus, syphilis, and tuberculosis.
  • Panuvetis: It is very rare. All three layers of the eye are inflamed. It is the most severe type and increases the chances of vision loss.

Diagnosis and treatment

Certain diagnostic tests are helpful in the diagnosis of uveitis:

  • Visual activity test
  • Ocular pressure test
  • Slit-lamp exam
  • Dilated eye exam

Uveitis goes away quickly sometimes but can come back. And at times it may become a chronic condition, either way, it is important to see your doctor quickly.

  • Steroid medicines
  • Eye drops
  • Immunosuppressants
  • Surgery